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An ongoing series of link to articles related to Davis and other informative entries

By Abigail Marshall with Lawrence Smith, Jr. & Stacey Borger-Smith © 2009

15 Jan 2021

These statistics were collected by Rocky Point Academy based on over 360 clients.

15 Dec 2020

If you are interested in the science and studies on Davis - here is a link to several different studies. 

15 Nov 2020

Are you an adult with dyslexia? Are you wondering about the program and how it works for adults? This article shares the experiences that adults have had who has taken the program. 

By Ronald D. Davis © 1989, 1998. All Rights Reserved

15 Oct 2020

What is the connection between confusion and dyslexia? Ron Davis covers this in this article.

By By Ronald D. Davis with Eldon Braun, © 1995, 1998.

15 Sept 2020

Ron Davis shares his insight on how Dyslexia and ADHD in the work place.

BY Karen LoGiudice, New England Dyslexia Solutions, ©2008

15 Aug 2020

What does Dyslexia look like in adults? This article looks at the common Characteristics that adult dyslectics have.

By Abigail Marshall © 2005 DDAI.(Updated 2015, 2017)

15 July 2020

A very interesting read about what science is saying about how different reading strategies effect the brain.

By Abigail Marshall © 2013 DDAI.

15 June 2020

Sometime Phonics is not the answer...especially when you have been working on the same stuff for months or years - and there has been little to no change. This article explains why phonics does not work with dyslexics and how the Davis program fills in the blanks.

By Abigail Marshall © 2019 DDAI.

15 May 2020

What science tells us about dyslexia and the reading brain.

15 April 2020

Why is a Davis program done without clients on medication? This article written by Abigail give an in-depth explanation on what the thinking is behind this recommendation.

By Abigail Marshall © 2005 DDAI.

15 Mar 2020

Why is a Davis program done without clients on medication? This article written by Abigail give an in-depth explanation on what the thinking is behind this recommendation.

 By Ronald D. Davis ©1985 

14 February 2020

Ron's look at what causes Dyslexia and how it ties into the program. 

By Abigail Marshall © 1999, 2005

15 Jan  2020

This is a great article written by a collogue about how she found the Davis program and what it lead to. 

Moving Mountains Academy

Lori Bandong - Davis Facilitator 


14039  113a Ave. Surrey, BC

Professional services described as Davis®, including Davis Dyslexia Correction®, Davis® Symbol Mastery, Davis® Orientation Counseling, Davis® Attention Mastery, Davis® Math Mastery, and Davis® Reading Program for Young Learners may only be provided by persons who are trained and licensed as Davis Facilitators or Specialists by Davis Dyslexia Association International.

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